Friday, May 26, 2023

Why “Baby Killer” is Both Inaccurate and Goes Too Far

While the label of anti-choice is also worth discussing in a future blog post, I’m going to talk about how people who are pro-choice are called baby killers. While I do think that abortion ends lives, I obviously think that it is wrong to use the label of baby killer. For one, if you aren’t either the person getting an abortion or performing an abortion, you aren’t actually killing babies. It also seems very close minded and dismissive because it doesn’t matter all of the good that someone can do outside of the abortion issue or as terrible as a pro-lifer might be. All they are going to be seen as are baby killers in the mind of others. Are all of the pro-gun nuts killers just because they don’t want common sense gun laws? If we want to be more open towards the other side, then we can’t just call them baby killers and be done with them.

Friday, May 19, 2023

The Sickening Pro-Choice Media

While the media, that is, the news, is supposed to be neutral in its reporting, it loves to side with those who favor abortion to the extent of wondering if there even is another side to that whole issue mentioned at all. It can be dumb when the media also focuses on both sides of an issue that there really isn’t another side of, but that isn’t worth getting into in this blog post. All I know is that the media is clearly pro-choice and it sickens me.


How is wanting an unborn baby to live somehow a problem? Why are women’s rights more important than a child that hasn’t even lived yet? Why is a woman’s right to choose never focused on the fact that she doesn’t have to choose the events that lead to pregnancy most of the time? More importantly, why is the media exclusively focusing against those in favor wanting babies to have a life outside the womb?


I don’t understand this. I couldn’t even watch the news for a while after the Dobbs decision was made due to the extensive coverage of the case that was entirely one sided. Why can’t anyone focus on the good of there being far less abortions now? Is there really not an upside?


If I want to watch news coverage regarding abortion, I want it to cover the other side at times. I do not want it to only focus on the pro-choice side, which is sofa king annoying that I can’t believe that it is allowed the way that it is. Also, abortion IS murder so why is calling it that wrong? Can you really not explain how an unborn child is life or how ending the life is not the murder that you are so convinced that it isn’t?

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Ways Republicans aren’t Pro-Life

I promised that I would do this post in the last post. You see, some people may wonder why I can support Democrats because they don’t think that Democrats are pro-life. Well, after much observation from the political world, I have come to the conclusion that while there certainly is a party that isn’t pro-life, it sure as hell isn’t the Democrats. Here are reasons why Republicans aren’t the pro-life party people claim that they are.


1: Gun rights- This is the only part of the constitution that it seems that Republicans care about is the right to bear arms. It is the only one that they are knowledgeable about, at least to an extent. They are so gung ho about people bearing guns, they loosen gun control laws despite the constant mass shootings in this country. They want to ban the laws that get guns taken out of the hands of those who could do terrible things with it, in some cases wanting to ban these red flag laws. They don’t want background checks done on gun owners. They want those on the no fly list to be able to buy guns still. They don’t even want training for gun owners. How is any of this pro-life?


2: Crusading against birth control: This makes zero sense. You cannot claim to be pro-life if you don’t want people to have access to birth control. People who know the basics about sex, which is most people past the age of 15, know that birth control prevents the pregnancies that lead to abortions in the first place. Do people think that government funded birth control is too far or something like that? Do they feel that it is like they are giving up? Here, have all the sex that you want, just use birth control. Why would one be against both birth control and abortion?


3: Being pro-war: Again, it makes no sense to support war which causes loss of life if you want to claim to be pro-life. I’m shocked that anyone could support war in most circumstances. If you want to say that a war is just, then you better make sure it lasts a short amount of time and does not go any further than it needs to. Wanting wars that last forever is not pro-life at all.


4: Not wanting universal health care: You are a moron if you don’t believe that Republicans want to get rid of universal health care considering how open and honest they are about this. Maybe they don’t realize that 45,000 people would die each year due to lack of health care coverage. And they don’t think that people should have it? Da fuck?


5: Legalizing vehicle ramming attacks: Yes, this is happening in some places. While those on the wrong claim to care about life, it seems like the life of those who attack protesters are the ones that they care about more than any others. They call the storming of the capitol a protest despite all the evidence against this, but want to protect those who ram their vehicles into those who protest instead of those who peacefully protest.


6: Doing nothing about climate change: Despite all the destruction that climate change does, so many Republicans are too interested in protecting their major donors in the fossil fuel industry to the point of pretending that climate change isn’t an issue at all. People are going to keep dying in states negatively affected by this, states that are actually red leaning, with their party not doing a damn thing to help.


7: Not helping those with special needs: This is the main reason why I’m a Democrat. I see a party completely blow off those with pre-existing conditions, I guess thinking that since they won’t be likely voters at all, that it doesn’t matter if they are treated worse and are used as tokens by those in the Republican Party. If you want to blame gun violence on mental health, why not help those with mental health issues? If you helped those with special needs, it could be one of the most pro-life things they could do. But they only lie and say that they help when anyone with facts on their side can call out their BS.


8: Being anti-vaccine: Again, this makes absolutely no sense as the anti-vaccine people are far more active on the conservative side than with any liberal. I mean, who do Democrats have? We have Robert Kennedy Jr., a man widely hated by his own party. Republicans have so many people and let such nonsense happen since they need these peoples’ vote.


9: Being too lax with covid laws: Something that Republicans won’t admit are again facts that are easy to look up. Most states with the highest per capita dead of covid are all Republican states. They ban mask wearing or vaccine passports. They don’t want common sense laws in order to mitigate the pandemic since they feel that it infringes on personal rights. This and the last one make no sense as to why someone would be against abortion and yet openly embrace the phrase of my body, my choice over personal freedom rights again.


10: Supporting torture: Let’s not forget that one of the reasons that Republicans want to have something like Guatomino Bay is because it allows them to torture people who are suspected of being terrorists despite the fact that they aren’t allowed due process and we don’t do this to our own criminals so why should we do this to international ones?


11: Various anti-science ways: This last one is just a catch-all over anything that Republicans say or do that is clearly against scientific reasons that goes against life. You should listen to what mainstream doctors say and you will be fine.


I could go on, but I think that I made my point for anyone who will believe this. Maybe you don’t agree with any of this. I know that some of you will refuse to believe the truth for whatever reason. But I think that I made my reasoning known as to why Republicans aren’t pro-life like they claim to be and why I can support Democrats over them.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

How I Can be Pro-Life and Still Vote for Democrats

When it comes to the abortion debate, there is a lot to talk about in this blog of mine. One of the things that people might wonder about is how I can support a party that supports abortion when I, myself, do not support abortion. Well, the answer is simple and might be discussed in another post that isn’t this one.


The main reason is that there is so much about Democrats that I do support that I’m not going to let my hatred of abortion get in the way of that. Democrats support universal health care such as the protection of health care for those with pre-existing conditions, the rights of those with special needs, the rights and humane treatment of minorities, common sense gun laws, are against vehicle ramming attacks, are largely pro-vaccine, largely had a good response to handling covid, treat undocumented migrants humanely, are against the obvious problems of white supremacy, and, well, I could go on. But I will instead spend the next post of this blog focusing on Republicans’ failure to be pro-life.

Deciphering Some of the Problems with Pro-Choice Episodes from 2022

While I do have a blog about TV that I will link to in this blog, I might as well put the hot button issues in this or other blogs instead o...