Friday, May 19, 2023

The Sickening Pro-Choice Media

While the media, that is, the news, is supposed to be neutral in its reporting, it loves to side with those who favor abortion to the extent of wondering if there even is another side to that whole issue mentioned at all. It can be dumb when the media also focuses on both sides of an issue that there really isn’t another side of, but that isn’t worth getting into in this blog post. All I know is that the media is clearly pro-choice and it sickens me.


How is wanting an unborn baby to live somehow a problem? Why are women’s rights more important than a child that hasn’t even lived yet? Why is a woman’s right to choose never focused on the fact that she doesn’t have to choose the events that lead to pregnancy most of the time? More importantly, why is the media exclusively focusing against those in favor wanting babies to have a life outside the womb?


I don’t understand this. I couldn’t even watch the news for a while after the Dobbs decision was made due to the extensive coverage of the case that was entirely one sided. Why can’t anyone focus on the good of there being far less abortions now? Is there really not an upside?


If I want to watch news coverage regarding abortion, I want it to cover the other side at times. I do not want it to only focus on the pro-choice side, which is sofa king annoying that I can’t believe that it is allowed the way that it is. Also, abortion IS murder so why is calling it that wrong? Can you really not explain how an unborn child is life or how ending the life is not the murder that you are so convinced that it isn’t?

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