Sunday, April 30, 2023

Pregnancy Resource Centers

Perhaps you have heard of them. Perhaps you have heard that they are terrible places that are quite misleading. But I don’t believe that you should believe the negative things that you have heard about them. Pregnancy resource centers are good places.


What’s dumb about pro-choice people is that they seem to believe that you must make the choice of getting an abortion no matter what. Being talked out of it or even trying to is seen as both unforgiveable and horrible somehow.


I don’t see a problem in the fact that a pregnancy resource center doesn’t offer abortions and even seek to get people out of having them. Any woman who goes to one of these can always just go to a real abortion provider on their own. There’s no problem with having some time being wasted on going somewhere else.


Furthermore, I fail to see how these places are the issues that people claim that they are. There is a bill that is being debated in Illinois that seeks to outlaw and punish these places, but not actually say what they are or what is wrong with them. What misinformation might they be saying? People don’t even have to have a complaint if this bill becomes law.


I might be interested in reading some of what Daily Kos has to say about this subject, although I doubt that I would considering how their pro-choice ways is what got me to start filtering their messages to delete from my inbox. Plus, I can’t stomach most pro-choice articles, such as the heavily biased one that Time once ran on these places. I’ve filtered a lot of emails from people to delete because of their pro-choice ways.


While I don’t know if referring to these places as these places is right, I can’t think of much else to say in this blog post of mine. I might have to do more research on pregnancy resource centers to best figure out why people hate them or want them gone. I don’t see what is wrong with the counseling that they offer or that they don’t want people to get abortions. How is not wanting someone to get an abortion wrong or a problem?

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