Friday, June 9, 2023

Deciphering Some of the Problems with Pro-Choice Episodes from 2022

While I do have a blog about TV that I will link to in this blog, I might as well put the hot button issues in this or other blogs instead of that one. This is the planned start of an annual post where I talk about problems with abortion themed episodes of TV shows that I saw that aired in the previous year. There are sadly only going to be more and more of them. Meanwhile, here is my TV blog:

What is a pro-choice episode? I would believe that any of the following would apply, with the more that appear at once, the more pro-choice it is: 1- Any character in the show gets an abortion, 2- Abortion is portrayed in a positive light, 3- Pro-lifers aren’t present at all, 4- Any pro-lifers that are present are portrayed in a negative light, 5- Pro-lifers are portrayed as hypocrites, 6- Pro-lifers are portrayed as law enforcement, 7- There isn’t even a reason needed for the abortion to happen, 8- Some character on the show once had an abortion which is now relevant again, 9- Well, you’ll see what else as I explain them.


The Little Things You do Together (Station 19): This is the only episode from before Dobbs that I’m putting on this list as none of the others were made until after the decision which overturned (sort of in at least some places) Roe versus Wade. It was one of the worst episodes of the year as the main plot that I got out of it was a main character getting an abortion which they had to show in pill form in the most drawn out and gruesome way possible.


With her husband having died in a fire leaving her pregnant later, she decides that instead of the life growing inside of her wasn’t worth having so she could move past it. The episode spends far too long on the whole abortion process that she’s having and trying to be happy about even as she experiences pain on all sorts of levels because of it. This shouldn’t be on screen at all.


Let’s Talk about Sex (Grey’s Anatomy): This horrible, sex crazed episode was the worst one of all of 2022 for reasons that I plan to talk about in my TV blog at some point. But let’s not even talk about all of the issues regarding that and stay focused on just the abortion part of it. It was the first in an unfortunate story arc regarding abortion after the Dobbs decision to show up on this show and can only be what the social justice warriors of Hollywood want to dictate to the rest of us as to what must happen in life.


You see, when doing a sex seminar at the hospital, a teen girl discovers that she is pregnant and immediately wants in abortion. Should she tell her parents? Nope. Should she even tell the boy that she agreed to sex with about his baby potentially being aborted? Of course not. She should just be able to get an abortion no questions asked. I’m almost certain that this is not how it would work in reality and that they have to make sure that this is what they want and it would never be that easy or straightforward.


When I Get to the Border (Grey’s Anatomy): Almost as if it were responding to the previous episode in the future, this episode didn’t have an elective abortion that all pro-choicers think are right and instead focused on an actual reason why one should get an abortion: the mother’s life was in danger. This pregnant woman lived in Idaho and needed to travel to get an abortion in a state like Washington where the show is set. This woman had to leave her born child behind and in child care (itself its own issue) in order to treat an ecliptic pregnancy or she would die. The doctors try to take her there, but there is a traffic jam, she has too many issues, and she dies before her life can be saved.


The cops arrest two of the characters, very briefly, of course, since characters are only in jail for a brief amount of time unless there is an arc to be gained from it. They go on a rant about how people like them need to know stories like these of people dying because they couldn’t get the abortions that they wanted. What I want to know are all the people who are glad that they weren’t aborted and got to have a life. And that’s not all I want to hear from, but that subject isn’t meant for this blog.


Maybe Tomorrow (New Amsterdam): This episode focused on some of the abortion protests that were going on after the Dobbs case as we learn more about some of the characters. A woman reveals to her ex that she aborted their baby which angers him as it would, even though she tries to explain more about this later. (This character was a lesbian in earlier seasons, by the way, as that can apparently change in a person, despite all that Hollywood tries to convince us about this.)


Anyways, it is learned that this woman actually had TWO abortions as the first was a result of her being raped and the other was when she was high. Why she couldn’t just get clean and use the father as a support system in the second case or find a support system for the first case is unknown. There was also a pro-lifer who got into a confrontation with a different main character that only had to apologize to avoid being arrested.


Another thing that this episode was sure to have was a pregnant woman whose life was threatened if she didn’t get an abortion, but she’s pro-life and celebrating the decision. Of course, the episode seems to point out the pro-choice belief that you have to get the abortion even though it is supposed to be a, well, you know, choice. They feel that you only have to make that choice and can’t choose life even though this woman dies trying to save herself and her baby that also dies. Don’t forget the rant about how they can’t go back to the pre-Roe world where it just so happens that in some places, abortion is now more legal and less restrictive.


By now, plenty of other pro-choice episodes of other shows have aired. I’ll have to discuss them as time goes by. I’m sure that you could watch any and all of these episodes and be sure to tell me what you hate or even find right about them. These were my thoughts on these episodes that were all bad to some degree.

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Deciphering Some of the Problems with Pro-Choice Episodes from 2022

While I do have a blog about TV that I will link to in this blog, I might as well put the hot button issues in this or other blogs instead o...