Wednesday, December 21, 2022


I have now created this new blog. I will link to different blogs that I have per usual when I create a new blog. I have a blog called Madam Secretary blog. My name is Adam. So I started to wonder if it could be interrupted as M Adam instead of Madam. Of course, the next logical thing to do instead would be N Adam or Nadam. For my Madam Secretary blog, read here:


So why am I doing Fadam Secretary instead? Well, there are many reasons why I am starting my first ever politically exclusive blog (as in, I’m never sharing to my facebook page and only doing posts that are about politics and nothing else in the blog) and going with this one versus anything else right now. The main reason is that I’m fucking sick and fucking tired of fucking putting the letter f in a webpage to go to facebook or another site and seeing fucking Fox News always show up as a google search despite the fact that I have never and will never google Fox News nor does anyone ever need to as they can just go to that fucking site all by themselves.


Thus, one of the ways that I can avoid this problem is by putting a site that starts with f in my favorites and keep going there over and over again, maybe sharing it in my political group on facebook (I’m so glad that they finally passed health care reform) or just overall visiting this blog’s link as often as I can. I already have a work around anyways of just going directly to facebook either immediately, as a new tab, or, when I see Fox News as a search result instead of stuff I actually go to or have bookmarked from various places like Daily Kos or elsewhere, I just google faux news which, humorously, shows results for Fox News instead.


Now you might be wondering what I might be covering in this blog and how often I will be covering it. I honestly won’t know what all will be covered until I cover it. I’m thinking that it would be appropriate to use the letter f in the theme of doing this blog. Thus, I might blog some about Faux News, I mean, Fox News. F could also mean future as in I could cover upcoming elections in this blog. Of course, I won’t do that now since that’s already covered, election themes, in a current blog of mine. And I’d have to wait until p is open for blog posts so I can talk about the results of past elections (p as in past). For now, f means fetus and I will be covering abortion related topics in this blog. Those of you who know me as a liberal might be shocked to learn that I’m pro-life. Still, now is as good a time as any to cover it.


As for when I am doing posts in this blog, you may, if you know my other blogs, know about this rule that I normally follow where I have to update blogs of mine as least once a month (sometimes only once a month), but that won’t be the case with this blog. I will update it only certain times. I have a list of dates as to when my Madam Secretary blog is supposed to have random updates in it. Since they won’t always be able to be used on those dates, this blog will cover random dates that don’t have to be given to other blogs of mine on dates that make sense to me and don’t interfere with that blog or any others as well. I’m sure that I’ll make this all work out even with most of my blogs on hiatus right now. So let’s get started with this blog and enjoy the future posts of it.

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