Friday, February 24, 2023

A Pro-Choice Sex Strike?

I was reading Daily Kos, a site that I often doomscroll through. I tend to ignore most of their stories on abortion as it was the topic of abortion that got me to start filtering the messages to delete that I got from them in my email. I still go to their site at times and read articles. And there are times that I skim through parts of their normally crazy abortion centric ones.


One of them offered a very good idea that could benefit everyone in the long term. I won’t link the article as I wasn’t quite understanding it and even found the title of it hard to explain. But it did seem to offer up a very good idea: pro-choice people shouldn’t have sex.


Honestly, this seems like the very best option for everyone. Why do I say this? Well, maybe I just don’t understand the argument for abortion that greatly as I wonder: why can’t people just simply avoid having sex? Is not having sex that bad an idea or hard to do (well, not do)? I think that if society were more responsible regarding sex, there would be a much better world that every single one of us could live in.


This leads to the topic of sex strikes in general. They basically have people refuse to have sex until they get what they want from another person or group of people. What’s nice about this is that what ones have happened in the world have worked. People must want sex that badly that they are willing to give into their demands to get what they want. And the potential biggest problem with a sex strike, people just refusing to take no for an answer and resorting to rape, does not seem to happen because of one.


I can only see good things happening from this. If pro-choice people aren’t having sex, then the whole abortion rate would decrease drastically to the point of it potentially not even happening at all. They wouldn’t be having the sex that would lead to the abortions that they would want to happen. And you wouldn’t think that the pro-life people would suddenly be getting abortions. Those who support abortion rights would obviously think otherwise.


So by all means, if you support abortion rights and want the legality of abortion to continue, then stop having sex with anyone and there won’t be any abortions at all for people to worry about with absolutely no one having any negative affect by this.

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