Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Biggest Problem with “Abortion is Health Care”

You hear this argument all the time from those that support abortion rights. You hear them say that abortion is health care. This is how they figure that they make their best argument with the issue at hand. But you know what? This isn’t actually that good an argument.


Why isn’t it a good argument? Simple: it is implying that it is done only when medically needed. The elective abortions that these people feel that everyone is entitled to wouldn’t be health care. The precious rape exception that as a pro-life person I can’t really argue against as I feel that women who were raped should be able to get abortions wouldn’t exist either because then it would mean that a potentially health baby couldn’t be aborted as it isn’t health care then now is it? If abortion were only done when it is medically necessary, then abortion isn’t health care.


There are plenty of more ways that I could go into taking down certain pro-choice beliefs over time, but I made my point for this blog post. I plan to do a YouTube video but the ideas of all of what I want to do for YouTube versus the time to do it never lines up. The point is, abortion can’t be health care if done at any time for any reason. Abortion would have to go back to what it was before the Roe versus Wade decision. The pro-choice “greatest” slogan is arguing against the very thing that they claim that they want.

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